Lemon Garlic Herb Chicken

Tender and Juicy Chicken Thighs

11 ingredientsPrep: 10 minsCook: 45 mins
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Matt SantosNov 6, 2024

Sharing a quick and easy chicken recipe that is flavorful, juicy, and perfect for any weeknight dinner or meal prep! I love the flavor combination of herbs and lemon juice, and the fresh garlic brings an added boldness. Enjoy and check out my E-Book for more easy, high-protein recipes!

Ingredients (11)


  1. Trim off excess skin, separate the meat from the bone, and make two slits about 1 inch in length and half-an-inch deep on the skin side

  2. Add the chicken to a bowl with the rest of the listed ingredients; mix well

  3. Cover the bowl and marinate in the fridge for at least two hours but preferably overnight (optional)

  4. Preheat oven to 400°F

  5. Place chicken on a wired rack and bake for about 45 minutes

  6. Cook until internal temperature is 165°F-180°F

  7. Allow chicken to rest for 10 minutes