Crispy Korean Sweet and Spicy Chicken

17 ingredientsPrep: 5 minsCook: 20 mins
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Matt SantosNov 6, 2024

This is one of my favorite chicken recipes yet! I love how crunchy and juicy the chicken gets, and the sauce provides the perfect balance of sweet, savory, and spicy! I tried to make it as easy and straightforward as possible. Here I serve it over noodles, but it also can go with salads, sandwiches, and more. Enjoy!

Ingredients (17)



  1. Cook chicken in batches until a golden brown crusts develops on each side and temperature reads 165°F (about 3 minutes per side).

  2. Transfer chicken to wired rack to drain and cool.

  3. While the batches of chicken finish cooking, make the sauce in a small mixing bowl.

  4. Brush the sauce onto both sides of the chicken.

  5. Enjoy!

  6. Pat dry the chicken (2 lb) and trim off excess fat.

  7. Add cornstarch (½ cup) to a bowl and mix in 0.5 teaspoon salt, 0.5 teaspoon white pepper, and 0.25 teaspoon MSG.

  8. Whisk in enough water to create a cornstarch slurry.

  9. Add the chicken into the bowl of cornstarch slurry and allow to sit for 5 minutes.

  10. Meanwhile add panko breadcrumbs (1 cup) into a bowl and mix in 0.5 teaspoon salt, 0.5 teaspoon white pepper, and 0.25 teaspoon MSG.

  11. Take the chicken one piece at a time from the cornstarch slurry bowl, and transfer to the bowl of breadcrumbs. Coat both sides of the chicken well and press down to help the coating stick; transfer the chicken onto a baking sheet.

  12. Heat 0.5 inch of neutral oil in a skillet or deep pot to 375°F on medium-high heat.